There are so many ways you can get involved
Volunteer your time
They say, "The best thing you can give somebody is your time". Being part of the Saint Ambrose Parents’ Association is rewarding to all of those who participate. You become part of a community, make new friends and genuinely contribute to the cause in a way that money can’t buy.
Become a member
As a parent, carer or guardian of a boy at Saint Ambrose College you are automatically a member of SAPA. However, we do need you to complete our SAPA Consent Form. You can either return it by email, hand it in to the office in an envelope for the attention of SAPA or hand it directly to one of the committee members. Email it to
One of the best ways to show you care. Donations are always gratefully received – We only survive by your generosity! Whether with a cash donation or a physical item, we can always use what you can give, especially around our event times! You can donate cash, items, good condition uniform or your business services.
Please get in touch with us if you would like to make a donation to SAPA. We can accept Cash, cheque, BACS, PayPal – however you’d like to contribute, we always welcome your generous donations. The money goes into the SAPA account and is used for school purchases to enrich the education of the boys.
Throughout the year we have a number of events that rely on the generosity of the Saint Ambrose Family. Whether it’s a bottle for our tombola or a cake for a cake stall, we welcome your contributions. We arrange specific drop-off facilities for most donations, but you’re welcome to make a donation at any time for us to keep in our store until we need it.
‘Mum/Dad, I’ve left my sports kit on the bus’. Ever heard that from your son? It’s always useful to have a spare sports kit around. Please donate good quality, clean, unwanted sports kit and other uniform items that no longer fit, we can re-sell them at our sales to make money for the College, other parents can buy them and save money. Uniforms are not cheap!
Sometimes we are lucky enough to receive amazing offers of services or donations from local companies. We have had some amazing raffle prizes donated by businesses that include holiday accommodation, sport memorabilia and even printing services. Please contact us to discuss any donation you wish to make, we’ll be very happy to hear from you.
We want more men!!!
Men matter too and we would love more of you to join the team at SAPA
Why not come along for a taster to see how you can contribute? You don't have to come to every meeting
but we would love to see you for a chat at the next meeting or event!